Zoom Link for the class. Copy this link, it will be the same link every week and will be removed from the website after class today.
Awards Ceremony 3/3 4:30 pm via ZOOM
Congratulations on finishing Project Make It. This year was a special year that will be like no other and we made it. I am so proud of everyone! We have awards to give out 🙂 We wish we were able to have a big event and hand them out in person but we’re doing it over ZOOM. All the teams will be there and at least we can have a moment for the kids to share what they made. We have trophies, prizes and raffles to give away. Check back here for the ZOOM link.
Weeks 11-12
Finishing up!
It’s time to finish all your building and polish your projects. I need pictures on Padlet! Please fill out the Team Info Form; I need you team information for signs and diplomas. Your date for judging is 3/2 at 4pm. Here is a copy of the scorecard they will be using. We will be taking pictures and conducting basic interviews. Wear your Project Make It t-shirts 🙂 It should take about 1/2 hour. Fill out your exit survey on your final class.
Final Checklist
Finish project
Review for interview
Preparation for the interview
Wear your Project Make It t-shirt
Introduce yourselves
What is your Project Name
Tell us about your theme
Show us the feature you are most proud of
Links final weeks
Week 6
Design and build. Please post pictures of your progress on our Padlet page 🙂 This week and from here to the end is all about building. I posted an example of how to build a simple base for your course in the Make-It section under “Base”. I also updated the planning page with an example of how to divide up tasks.
Materials needed for class
- hot glue gun
- cardboard knives
- cardboard
Links for today
Week 5 and vacation
Design and build. Please post pictures of your progress on our Padlet page 🙂 This week and vacation is about building. I posted an example of how to build a simple base for your course in the Make-It section under “Base”. I also updated the planning page with an example of how to divide up tasks.
Materials needed for class
- hot glue gun
- cardboard knives
- cardboard
Links for today
Week 4
Design and build. Come up the a theme and tell it to me. Decided who is doing what. Start designing and building 🙂 Please post pictures of your work in progress on the padlet page, we will give an Amazon.com gift cert at the end of the program to the person from Mathews-Dickey with the best pictures.
Materials needed for class
- hot glue gun
- cardboard knives
- cardboard
Links for today
Week 3
Today’s agenda to finish coding and then design & build. Get out your chromebooks, Micro:bit, and Crickit. Finish the three coding tutorials from last week. If you are done with the those move on to moving a servo with the Crickit. After you get the servo moving you can move on to designing your course!!! Please make sure you fill out your student entrance survey 🙂
2:30 Get Zoom session going
2:45 Get out micro controller parts and chromebooks
3:00 Finish coding lessons and move on to getting a servo to move
3:30 – Till end of class – Develop a theme and lay out the course. Discuss components.
Materials needed for class
- Microbit and data cable
- computers/chromebooks
- Crickit motor controller
- hot glue gun
- cardboard knives
- cardboard
Links for today
Week 2
2:30 Get Zoom session going
2:45 Get out micro controller parts and chromebooks
3:00 Start Coding
- Blinking Heart tutorial
- Dice tutorial
- Snap the Dot tutorial
- Hook up the Crickit and download the extension
- Make a servo move
3:45 Design and discussion
4:00 Fill out design page
4:15 Survey
Materials needed for class
- Microbit and data cable
- computers/chromebooks
- Crickit motor controller
- hot glue gun
- cardboard knives
- cardboard
Links for today
1st Week
Schedule is subject to change.
2:30 Get Zoom session going
2:45 Introductions and Class description
3:00 Resources and website
3:15 Get out the Materials and ask questions. Come up with a storage solution for the stuff. Break until 3:30pm
3:30 Discuss the criteria for the golf course and show the video
3:45 Discuss how they will draw out the golf course and how the pizza boxes are going to fit together.
4:00 Team criteria for next class and pretesting.
Links for todays class: