Student Entrance Survey Welcome to Project Make-It! These questions are all about your opinions and what you know about coding and mechanics. This is not a test and there are no right or wrong answers so please be honest. Thank you! Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.Name *FirstLastEmail (Parents) *How old are you? *What grade are you in? *Youth or Adult T-shirt? *YouthAdultT-shirt size? *SMLXLDo you identify as: (check all that apply) *Black/African AmericanWhiteHispanic/LatinoAsianOtherRaceif "Other" please describeRaceDo you identify as:MaleFemaleTransgender/NonbinaryOthergenderif "Other" please describegenderWhich program or school do you go to? *Mathews Dickey Boys & Girls Club BGCSTLHerbert Hoover BGCSTLNew City SchoolFerguson Teen Center BGCSTLProgram attendingHow much do you know about MicroControllers? *NothingA littleA lotHow much do you know about motors? *NothingA littleA lotHow much do you know about the design process? *NothingA littleA lotHow much do you know about coding *NothingA littleA lotHow much do you know about mechanics *NothingA littleA lotHow much do you know about construction/building things? *NothingA littleA lotHow much do you know about working with a team? *NothingA littleA lotWhat do you hope to learn from Project Make-It *Have you participated in Project Make-It before?YesNoIf yes, how many times?NameSubmit